
Saturday, 13 June 2009

Friday February 20th 2009....chicken new yorker..21pts ..aaarrrgghhh

Its Friday 20th February.....and I have GAINED 2 POUNDS !!!! GGGGRRRRRR !!!
Im not a happy bunny. I did have my daughters 18th birthday meal which was lovely. I had a delicious chicken new yorker from the hungry horse.....it wasn't until later I discovered it was a staggering 21 points !!!!!!!!! Went way over points and also over points on Saturday, so yes I deserved to gain. Back to the grindstone. Must try harder....back to 15st... :O(

After my disastrous weigh in this week Im feeling even more determined to do this. Its Sunday 22nd February and I have just signed up to do the race for life in June with Carole from the 5+ board who I have become friendly with. Its on June 7th. I have never done anything like this before, so it is a new adventure. I had better get in training...lol. Its going to be a 5km walk/run...(defo a walk in my case !!) which is about 3 miles. I can do this !! Its a cancer charity and I will get as many sponsors as I can. Have started my training...just got back from walking to the next village and back...about 3 miles...shattered, but feeling good. Also got my TOTM so think that had something to do with my gain...Hopefully a good result next Friday xx

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