Saturday, 27 June 2009
Woohooo .. NSV !!! :O) xx
Im sooooooo excited. Have been out shopping with my girls today. Lately my size 16 jeans have been feeling baggy around my bum and looser round my tummy. Out of pure curiosity in Select I took a pair of size 14 bootleg jeans into the changing room and THEY FIT !!!!!! YIPPEE !!!! Im a very happy bunny today. Nothing is gonna wipe this smile off my face today !!!!!!!! :O)

Friday, 26 June 2009
Forgot to tell you about the doctors !!

It' s been such a busy day today , what with taking hubby to work, going to the doctors, visiting my mum, having lunch out, picking hubby back up again, I completely forgot to mention in my earlier post about my reluctant trip to the doctors !!...
Well as I said earlier in the week, I have been feeling very light headed and dizzy and also getting cramp in my legs at night, so I got bullied into booking an appointment with the doctors by my mum and hubby. As I went in the doctor commented on how much weight I had lost and she was really pleased with me, so that was a good start. She was lovely. Well the cramp thing, ironically, the doctor has told me to add a bit more salt to my diet !! Yes I know, they usually advise you not too, but in my case she thinks this would help.
She also feels that my thyroid is playing up. I have an underactive thyroid gland, which when I lost a lot of weight before, changed from under active to over active, and thinks this could be happening again. She also thinks I may be anaemic. Also doing a glucose test, so I now have to book up to have a fasting blood test done. Must try and arrange that for next Tuesday.....My temperature is also slightly high and my blood pressure slightly up...but nothing new there !!!
So really at the end of the day, I don't know anything yet, but I will let you know when I get my results....xx
Out for lunch :O) x
Well as I mentioned yesterday, I was having lunch out today with Karon from twinklestrek.blogspot.com....and wow I had a lovely time...
So glad we met up. As I explained yesterday, we accidently met about 5/6 weeks ago at a car boot. I was selling clothes and she came up to buy some. Clever Karon recognised me from my blog !! It was an amazing coincidence really that we had both read each others blogs and now we were stood face to face at a carboot !!! We kept in touch via facebook and our blogs and today we met for lunch !!
What a lovely person. Don't think we once stopped chatting during the whole 3 hours !! If the car park ticket wasn't about to expire, I think we would have been there for another 3 hours !! She's lovely. We chatted about everything , and of course weight watchers. Karon is doing fab. She has lost 44lbs since the beginning of January, which is fantastic. We seem to have a lot in common and I look forward to meeting up with her again.
Karon was really good today. Chose a pasta dish with side salad which was really healthy compared to my chilli con-carne, rice and cheesy garlic bread...mmmmmmm......must go check the points out in a bit !! Think I have had my days quota already... lol
Karon, I had a lovely time . Thank you. Looking forward to the next time xx
Oh My God !!! Just found out the chilli con-carne, rice and tortillas were a flaming 15 Points !!!!!!!!! thats without the yummy cheesy garlic bread...which I have pointed at 6.....Oh dear !! Well and truly over today.....!!!! But it was worth it xx
So glad we met up. As I explained yesterday, we accidently met about 5/6 weeks ago at a car boot. I was selling clothes and she came up to buy some. Clever Karon recognised me from my blog !! It was an amazing coincidence really that we had both read each others blogs and now we were stood face to face at a carboot !!! We kept in touch via facebook and our blogs and today we met for lunch !!
What a lovely person. Don't think we once stopped chatting during the whole 3 hours !! If the car park ticket wasn't about to expire, I think we would have been there for another 3 hours !! She's lovely. We chatted about everything , and of course weight watchers. Karon is doing fab. She has lost 44lbs since the beginning of January, which is fantastic. We seem to have a lot in common and I look forward to meeting up with her again.
Karon was really good today. Chose a pasta dish with side salad which was really healthy compared to my chilli con-carne, rice and cheesy garlic bread...mmmmmmm......must go check the points out in a bit !! Think I have had my days quota already... lol
Karon, I had a lovely time . Thank you. Looking forward to the next time xx
Oh My God !!! Just found out the chilli con-carne, rice and tortillas were a flaming 15 Points !!!!!!!!! thats without the yummy cheesy garlic bread...which I have pointed at 6.....Oh dear !! Well and truly over today.....!!!! But it was worth it xx

Friday 26th June.....
Well, as expected, I gained a blooming pound !! GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrr !! I really dont think I deserved that, but hey, one measly pound is not going to undo everything I have already done, it has just made me more bloody determined to get it off next week !!!!!!!! It just seems the nearer I get to my next stone bracket, the harder it gets and I start playing yo-yo....up, down, up, down...etc, etc...but I have to remain focused and believe that I can and will do this. I'm going to aim for a 2lb loss next week ....well, thats the plan anyway x

Thursday, 25 June 2009
weigh in day is looming.....

Ok so its Friday tomorrow, and so far have saved 8 points over the week. I included a long walk , although I know that isn't much, and have been saintly with my food....so why is it that a SP is showing a 1lb gain ??....aaarrrggghhh. Yes I know I shouldn't SP, but can't seem to get through the week, let alone the day without doing it at some point, .... oh well, lets wait and see what the morning brings .....
Looking forward to tomorrow. Meeting up with Karon George. She is the lovely lady I met at the car boot sale that I did back in May. We have kept in touch via facebook and on here (her blog is Twinkles Trek). Really looking forward to seeing her for lunch tomorrow :O) xx
A big thank you ......
I just want to say a huge thank you to Kellie (Pickles and Plums) for sorting out my beautiful new signature for me ..... your an angel....I think it looks pretty good if I do say so myself :O) xx

Tuesday, 23 June 2009
AAAArrrrggghhhhh !! Did a lovely post earlier about today and have just deleted...gggrrrrrr !! Oh well will narrow it down now to just a couple of piccys of our little walk around the lake at west stow today. Too tired to try writing it all out again !!!
So herewith piccys of our walk in the sunshine....
Hope you are all well and not deleting all your hard work too.... lol :O(
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Fathers Day.....
Today is fathers day and I find it quite hard.My Dad died 4 years ago due to cancer, and every birthday, christmas and of course Fathers day, I find difficult. Have just been up the cemmetry to put more flowers on and a soppy card, had a few tears and now back home. Hubby is great. Always knows when I need a cuddle bless him.
Well the chicken is on, and I have done the vegetables . Im cooking for 7 people today. My mum and my mother and father in-law are coming for dinner aswell as me, hubby and 2 of my daughters. That should take my mind off things for a while . Some of you may know from previous posts on the 5+ board that I can't really stand my in-laws. The last time I had them over on New Years Eve, they pipped me off so much, just wanted them to go ! So although I don't really like them, for hubbys sake, Im having them over for Fathers Day. If I'm gonna make the effort, I hope they will too.......watch this space !!! lol ......I may be back on here in a little while for a rant, or hopefully a nice word or two.......we will have to wait and see!!!
Anyway, having cooked hubby sausage, bacon, egg, beans this morning for brekky in bed, Im feeling in control. Only had one bite of bacon and one of sausage, so no damage done so far.....the only thing I may have to have control over is gorgeous scrummy strawberry icecream and strawberries after dinner.....I have no idea how many points in icecream...so may go and have a look before I have some. Ive already totalled my dinner up to being 13 points.....and thats without anything else and thats a lot out of my 20 points allowance !!! eeeeeeekkk........so just off to check the points now......talk to you all later. Enjoy the rest of your day xx
Well I resisted the urge to strangle them...... in fact, dare I say it, they were reasonably nice...!!! Shock horror amazement !! The meal went well and they have just left to go home. I'm glad I invited them.
As for dinner, it was delicious even if I do say so myself !! And for afters I didn't give in to the ice-cream. I had a few strawberries for half a point and a tablespoon of swirly cream which I have put down as a point. I am bang smack on my 20 points now, but I do feel the nibbles coming on now, so going to have to stay out of the kitchen ..lol.
Hope you have all had a lovely Fathers day , going off to do a stack of ironing now.....YUKKK !!xx
Well the chicken is on, and I have done the vegetables . Im cooking for 7 people today. My mum and my mother and father in-law are coming for dinner aswell as me, hubby and 2 of my daughters. That should take my mind off things for a while . Some of you may know from previous posts on the 5+ board that I can't really stand my in-laws. The last time I had them over on New Years Eve, they pipped me off so much, just wanted them to go ! So although I don't really like them, for hubbys sake, Im having them over for Fathers Day. If I'm gonna make the effort, I hope they will too.......watch this space !!! lol ......I may be back on here in a little while for a rant, or hopefully a nice word or two.......we will have to wait and see!!!
Anyway, having cooked hubby sausage, bacon, egg, beans this morning for brekky in bed, Im feeling in control. Only had one bite of bacon and one of sausage, so no damage done so far.....the only thing I may have to have control over is gorgeous scrummy strawberry icecream and strawberries after dinner.....I have no idea how many points in icecream...so may go and have a look before I have some. Ive already totalled my dinner up to being 13 points.....and thats without anything else and thats a lot out of my 20 points allowance !!! eeeeeeekkk........so just off to check the points now......talk to you all later. Enjoy the rest of your day xx
Well I resisted the urge to strangle them...... in fact, dare I say it, they were reasonably nice...!!! Shock horror amazement !! The meal went well and they have just left to go home. I'm glad I invited them.
As for dinner, it was delicious even if I do say so myself !! And for afters I didn't give in to the ice-cream. I had a few strawberries for half a point and a tablespoon of swirly cream which I have put down as a point. I am bang smack on my 20 points now, but I do feel the nibbles coming on now, so going to have to stay out of the kitchen ..lol.
Hope you have all had a lovely Fathers day , going off to do a stack of ironing now.....YUKKK !!xx
Friday, 19 June 2009
Friday 19th June.....and 2 x NSV !!!xx.

Whoop Whoop !! Another 2lb bites the dust !!! So pleased. Have lost another 2lb taking the total to 66lbs now....thats 4stone and 10 pounds since September 15th 2008 !!
Its been a long old week. I have finally got to grips with this blog thank goodness ...with the help of Bryher and Paul..thanks guys xx
I've also had 2 slight NSV's today.....firstly without putting too finer point on things , my size 14/16 knickers keep falling down...lol....think thats an NSV, not sure...lol !! And also a young man asked if I needed any help carrying my shopping...!!! Talk about gobsmacked ! I declined and said thank you, but it was nice to be asked !! That never happened when I was bigger thats for sure !!!
So ending the week feeling happier than it began !! Must buy myself some new undies....xx
Just another 3 and a half pounds til I reach the 12's.....can't wait xx
Thursday, 18 June 2009
YES ! YES ! YES !......

I'VE DONE IT !!!!!!!!!
No, I haven't lost any weight....well I won't find out until tomorrow..lol.....but I have finally sorted out this blooming blog !!!!
Thank you for sticking with me while I have got it together, and Paul, thank you so much for the plug...your an angel ! You will be glad to hear Paul, I have finally managed to change the information so that it doesn't keep taking people to my old blog...... PPPHHHEEEWWW !! It's taken me hours this week....but I have finally sussed it !! Think I may have lost a few pounds in stress....and pressing the blooming mouse so much..lol... find out tomorrow :O) xx
No, I haven't lost any weight....well I won't find out until tomorrow..lol.....but I have finally sorted out this blooming blog !!!!
Thank you for sticking with me while I have got it together, and Paul, thank you so much for the plug...your an angel ! You will be glad to hear Paul, I have finally managed to change the information so that it doesn't keep taking people to my old blog...... PPPHHHEEEWWW !! It's taken me hours this week....but I have finally sussed it !! Think I may have lost a few pounds in stress....and pressing the blooming mouse so much..lol... find out tomorrow :O) xx
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Feeling glum....

Do you ever get those days where you just can't quite put your finger on why your feeling glum? Well I'm having one of those days today ! It's my day off work and I'm sat here thinking about what to do with my day. I don't have any spare money to go shopping at the moment and there is only so much housework you can do!! I think I might go and take the dog out and get some fresh air....looks like it's going to rain though....ho hum....what to do... :O(
Well took myself out with the dog, visited mum and had a cuppa and now back on the computer. Just had my lunch...feeling a bit brighter than earlier now .
Today feels like it has lasted forever !! Its now nearly 10pm and I'm off to bed. Had a nap earlier which is really unlike me. Fell asleep on the settee about 4pm...hope I'm not coming down with something !! And now I'm tired again. So its been a weird sort of day, but held onto the ww reins quite tightly...have had 18 of my 20 points allowance. Hope tomorrow is better. Nite all xx
Well took myself out with the dog, visited mum and had a cuppa and now back on the computer. Just had my lunch...feeling a bit brighter than earlier now .
Today feels like it has lasted forever !! Its now nearly 10pm and I'm off to bed. Had a nap earlier which is really unlike me. Fell asleep on the settee about 4pm...hope I'm not coming down with something !! And now I'm tired again. So its been a weird sort of day, but held onto the ww reins quite tightly...have had 18 of my 20 points allowance. Hope tomorrow is better. Nite all xx
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Friday 12th June.....
Its Friday 12th June.....and I lost 3 lbs !! YIPPEE !! Im now 13st 5lb !! Lowest I have been in over 5 years.....feels so good.....The race for life must have done me good !! Really hope I follow this loss with another one...been up and down with the last 7 lbs for ages now.....would dearly love to get into the 12's.......Have juggled my foods around again and drank so much water...spent half my life on the loo this week, but wow does it help !!x
Friday 5th June 2009....and race for life on the 7th!!!
Its Friday 5th June......and I'm devastated. I have gained 2lbs !! :O(
GGrrrrrr......got my TOTM aswell....God I wish I was a man sometimes !!
Got my race for life looming on Sunday.....eeeeeeekkkk....getting nervous now..lol. It should be a good day though...looking forward to meeting up with Carole from the 5+ board.....a 5km walk should help shift this rotten 2lb !!
Its Sunday 7th June and race for life day !! I DID IT !!!What a great day it was. Went down to Maidstone with 2 of my girls. Met up with Carole , the sun shone and we did our 5km walk. Got a lovely medal for doing so and raised £165.oo !
Pictures taken of the race for life x
Friday 29th May 2009...trip to the seaside :O)
Its Friday 29th May.....and I have lost 3lbs !! Oh Yes !! Just what I needed to cheer me up. Been a bit up and down this week....but thats just brill. Have now achieved my next target....on to the next one now !! Feeling good today.
Going to take my lovely girls to Hunstanton today.....just got to try and avoid the ice-creams and gorgeous fish and chips....
Going to take my lovely girls to Hunstanton today.....just got to try and avoid the ice-creams and gorgeous fish and chips....
Piccy taken today x
Friday 22nd May 2009...
Its Friday 22nd May.....and I have a STS....gggrrrrrr...!!Felt like I deserved a little pound..buy hey...maybe 2 next week...!! Hopefully get it next week to take me to my next target...Got a weekend planned away this weekend, and race for life in 2 weeks...its coming round soooooo quickly x
Friday 15th May 2009...60 pounds gone !!!
Its Friday 15th May......and wooooohoooo...Ive lost another 2 pounds !! Thats 60lbs off !!
Its been a very funny old week. Hormones and emotions up and down, but luckily held on to my desire to be slim..lol !! The anniversary of my dads death on the 16th and hubbys birthday on the same day is difficult. Going to go out for a meal though. Going to the Six Bells at Horringer....
I now weigh 13st 9lbs.....x
Its been a very funny old week. Hormones and emotions up and down, but luckily held on to my desire to be slim..lol !! The anniversary of my dads death on the 16th and hubbys birthday on the same day is difficult. Going to go out for a meal though. Going to the Six Bells at Horringer....
I now weigh 13st 9lbs.....x
Friday 8th May 2009...
Its Friday 8th May.....and I gained a pound.. :O(
Was feeling a bit down about it when a couple of hours later TOTM arrived, so don't feel so bad now. Hopefully that was the culprit and a good week ahead should lead to a good result next week.....must up my walking again. Been a bit lazy in that department this week....and its only 4 weeks til I do the race for life...aaarrrrgggghhhh !!!!
Can really see a difference now in this picture x
Friday 1st May 2009....and car boot surprise !!
Its Friday 1st May......and I have lost another 2lbs taking me to 13st 10lbs....!! Really pleased. Its been a funny old week really. Had a huge casserole at mums on the weekend with her famous dumplings...and I had 3 of them !! The rest of the week I was in complete control...and it's paid off.....looking forward to reaching my next target of 13st 7lb....
Had fish and chips for dinner tonight. The first fish and chips I have had in months and it was delicious !! But a staggering 19 points !! eeeeekkk !! So now counting this as my super heavy day as I have had 31 points today. Will follow the Wendy plan again for this week.... heres the link if you want to have a look http://www.stormpc.com/ww/wendie_plan.htm to have a super low day tomorrow though :O(...but it will be worth it..
Bank holiday weekend ...and hubby decides to cook me a romantic 3 course meal...all done ww friendly...bless him. We had ww potato/carrot cakes for starters which were scrummy....and then we had ww toad in the hole for mains and fresh veg, and for afters sugar-free jelly and raspberries....scrummmmmyyyyy....must get him to do it again !!! It was fab x
Its Monday 5th May....and decided to do a carboot sale......and OMG...what a surprise !!!I decided to sell some of my 22/24 size clothes...and what a surprise I had....a lady came to my stall and started looking through my clothes for sale. She said they were lovely clothes and I started to explain that I had lost a fair bit of weight and that I wanted to get rid of them so that I wasn't tempted to keep them just in case I put it back on again.....she asked who I was losing weight with and when I said ww...she said she had seen my blog !!!!!!! I couldn't believe it !!! Talk about being gobsmacked !! I found out that she has a blog too and is trying to lose weight. She is twinkle eyes and her blog is at http://twinklestrek.blogspot.com/ is fantastic !! Have a look because she is doing so well. It was so lovely to meet her. I still can't believe she recognised me from my blog. How lovely to meet someone off the 5+ boards !! A very lovely lady x
Had fish and chips for dinner tonight. The first fish and chips I have had in months and it was delicious !! But a staggering 19 points !! eeeeekkk !! So now counting this as my super heavy day as I have had 31 points today. Will follow the Wendy plan again for this week.... heres the link if you want to have a look http://www.stormpc.com/ww/wendie_plan.htm to have a super low day tomorrow though :O(...but it will be worth it..
Bank holiday weekend ...and hubby decides to cook me a romantic 3 course meal...all done ww friendly...bless him. We had ww potato/carrot cakes for starters which were scrummy....and then we had ww toad in the hole for mains and fresh veg, and for afters sugar-free jelly and raspberries....scrummmmmyyyyy....must get him to do it again !!! It was fab x
Its Monday 5th May....and decided to do a carboot sale......and OMG...what a surprise !!!I decided to sell some of my 22/24 size clothes...and what a surprise I had....a lady came to my stall and started looking through my clothes for sale. She said they were lovely clothes and I started to explain that I had lost a fair bit of weight and that I wanted to get rid of them so that I wasn't tempted to keep them just in case I put it back on again.....she asked who I was losing weight with and when I said ww...she said she had seen my blog !!!!!!! I couldn't believe it !!! Talk about being gobsmacked !! I found out that she has a blog too and is trying to lose weight. She is twinkle eyes and her blog is at http://twinklestrek.blogspot.com/ is fantastic !! Have a look because she is doing so well. It was so lovely to meet her. I still can't believe she recognised me from my blog. How lovely to meet someone off the 5+ boards !! A very lovely lady x
Friday 24th April 2009....
Its Friday 24th April......and I have lost another 2 pounds !! Yay !! Back in control again...Im now 13st 12 lbs......head down and focus x
Piccy taken this weekend x
Friday 17th April 2009.....
Its Friday 17th April....and as expected I have gained a pound :O( but at least I know why. So although I am back to 14st, I know I will definately have a good week this week . It was my youngest daughters birthday yesterday and I was soooooo good. Took her and a friend to Burger King and all I had was a cup of hot chocolate...how good is that?
Im really taking note of everything I'm doing now. Portion control, water intake, filling foods, exercise. It really does make such a difference.
Still doing my marathon walk. This time with my eldest daughter. She wants to do the race for life with me. Must get her booked in for it. She is 18 and quite fit, so think she will be ok. I may also try changing my foods again. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut with what I'm eating so will have a look at that. Also may try planning my meals for the week. Up until now I havent really done that, so that is something else to try. May go and have a look in the new Asda in our area. Haven't been yet. Heres to a good week ahead and hope to report a good loss next week.
Went shopping on Saturday, beautiful day, even treated myself to a bright pink pair of thongs....hubby likes them :O) x
Im really taking note of everything I'm doing now. Portion control, water intake, filling foods, exercise. It really does make such a difference.
Still doing my marathon walk. This time with my eldest daughter. She wants to do the race for life with me. Must get her booked in for it. She is 18 and quite fit, so think she will be ok. I may also try changing my foods again. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut with what I'm eating so will have a look at that. Also may try planning my meals for the week. Up until now I havent really done that, so that is something else to try. May go and have a look in the new Asda in our area. Haven't been yet. Heres to a good week ahead and hope to report a good loss next week.
Went shopping on Saturday, beautiful day, even treated myself to a bright pink pair of thongs....hubby likes them :O) x
Friday 10th April 2009....and into the 13's..yippee
Its Friday 10th April.....and I really can't believe this...I have lost another 2lbs !! I am now officially in the 13's....wooooohoooooo !! :O) God that feels good. Haven't been there for at least 5 years....I was so excited....when I stood on my scales I called my hubby to get out of bed and come and have a look !!!! I stood on it 3 times to make sure it was right. Mum bless her has wrote it down in her little book. She is so happy that I'm doing it again.
Im so happy. I have been grinning from ear to ear....Its Easter weekend, and I have reached my next target right on schedule. So I really am a happy Easter bunny...lol..!!
Ive also smashed through to the 4 stone weight loss since September. Can anything feel any better than this :OD.........roll on the 12's ...thats what I say xx
Going for a meal tonight with hubby...had tomato soup with half a crusty baguette which was nice, then to be honest my main meal was not brill...it was half a roast chicken , chips and peas. The chicken was dry and horrible, and there was a tiny piece of stuffing which tasted like cardboard..lol....chips were ok but not enough of them, and a tiny spoonful of peas.....so although it was out...it wasn't great !!
Although its Easter, I won't be having an egg. We only usually buy for the kids, so I won't feel left out.....but if the odd bit happens to fall in my mouth....then that will be great...lol xx Happy Easter everyone...xx
Oh God....have just come back from having a roast turkey dinner at my mums...and unless you know my mum, then you don't know her dinner's !! Most of it was fresh veg, but the roast potatoes were so yummy and homemade stuffing, and my portion control just seemed to be non-existent !! Afterwards I demolished a plateful of strawberries and onken fat free strawberry yogurt .....yummmmmmmmmm.......
think my halo has well and truly slipped...lol.
The only thing that might save me this week is my moderately paced 3 mile walk this morning.....which earnt me 5 bonus points....but I don't really hold out much hope for weigh in this week....!!!
Its now Monday and TOTM has arrived too....there is just no way I will lose this week !
Im so happy. I have been grinning from ear to ear....Its Easter weekend, and I have reached my next target right on schedule. So I really am a happy Easter bunny...lol..!!
Ive also smashed through to the 4 stone weight loss since September. Can anything feel any better than this :OD.........roll on the 12's ...thats what I say xx
Going for a meal tonight with hubby...had tomato soup with half a crusty baguette which was nice, then to be honest my main meal was not brill...it was half a roast chicken , chips and peas. The chicken was dry and horrible, and there was a tiny piece of stuffing which tasted like cardboard..lol....chips were ok but not enough of them, and a tiny spoonful of peas.....so although it was out...it wasn't great !!
Although its Easter, I won't be having an egg. We only usually buy for the kids, so I won't feel left out.....but if the odd bit happens to fall in my mouth....then that will be great...lol xx Happy Easter everyone...xx
Oh God....have just come back from having a roast turkey dinner at my mums...and unless you know my mum, then you don't know her dinner's !! Most of it was fresh veg, but the roast potatoes were so yummy and homemade stuffing, and my portion control just seemed to be non-existent !! Afterwards I demolished a plateful of strawberries and onken fat free strawberry yogurt .....yummmmmmmmmm.......
think my halo has well and truly slipped...lol.
The only thing that might save me this week is my moderately paced 3 mile walk this morning.....which earnt me 5 bonus points....but I don't really hold out much hope for weigh in this week....!!!
Its now Monday and TOTM has arrived too....there is just no way I will lose this week !
Friday 3rd April 2009......20% gone !!
Its Friday 3rd April......and I lost....wait for it....3.5lbs !! Well normally I would be very pleased with this, but this week I have had a very icky tummy and the squits !!! :O( So I'm pretty sure that some of this loss will have something to do with that. Although I didn't feel like eating most of the time, I did try and use my points. But on one day , I just didn't feel like it , and only used 6 points. So although I am delighted to be 14st 1 pound, I know this will come back and hit me like a ton of bricks next week. Oh well . Will just have to wait and see what happens. At least now I'm feeling much better....and nearly dipping my toes in the 13's.....eeeekkk !! Just 2 more pounds to go until I have lost 4 stone since September......
Thank you Paul fat4now for giving my blog a plug this week on his amazing blog. I really appreciate it. Pauls blog is at fat4now.blogspot.com.....take yourself over to have a look....its fab. Its truly inspiring.
Feeling really happy right now....my BMI had dropped further....its come down from 46 to 36....!! Yippee....have also now passed my 20% weight loss.......happy, happy xx
Thank you Paul fat4now for giving my blog a plug this week on his amazing blog. I really appreciate it. Pauls blog is at fat4now.blogspot.com.....take yourself over to have a look....its fab. Its truly inspiring.
Feeling really happy right now....my BMI had dropped further....its come down from 46 to 36....!! Yippee....have also now passed my 20% weight loss.......happy, happy xx
Friday 27th March 2009....50.5lbs gone !!

Its Friday 27th March.....and I have lost 1.5lbs.....yippee !!!
Im now 14st 4.5lb.....ive now lost 50.5 lbs !!! What a feeling !! Im so happy. So glad I re-joined ww. It really does work if you follow the plan to the letter.
To be honest, I wasn't sure what the result would be this week. Had a girly night out on Saturday night....a real giggle....went over points by about 10 and on mothers day had brekky in bed...mmmm...toast with jam...lol !! It was lovely !! Also went to Northampton on mothers day to see relatives. There was lots of piccy food there and I had a few nibbles, which I didn't hold back on. Then when I got home my eldest girls and my hubby had cooked me a lovely roast chicken dinner....delicious !! I clawed back points for the rest of the week and it obviously worked !! I can almost touch the 13's now....its getting closer and closer....
These piccy's were took this month x
Friday 20th March 2009....
Its Friday 20th March ......and I have lost 1 pound ! Still really pleased with that especially as just before I stood on the scales, my TOTM arrived !! Im now 14st 6lbs...It could have easily have been a gain, but pleased with the pound off !!
I have now lost 49lbs......just one more to go to the big 50lb !! Roll on next week...lol !!
I have now lost 49lbs......just one more to go to the big 50lb !! Roll on next week...lol !!
Friday 13th March 2009...next target reached !!
Its Friday 13th March.....and i have lost another 2 pounds !!!! wooohooooo !! I have reached my next mini goal now taking me to 14st 7lb....wanted to achieve this by mothers day and I have done it !! I have walked to Barton Mills again and followed the Wendy plan again...it seems to suit me and its working. Feeling so much better now. Got my TOTM due soon, but hopefully another good loss next week . Really really happy with the way things are going x
Friday 6th March 2009.....size 16 !!
Its Friday 6th March ......and I have lost another 2 pounds !! Yay !! Im now 14st 9lbs !! Decided to follow the wendy plan this week. It is basically using the same amount of points over the week, but juggling them around a bit. Having a super heavy day where you use a lot more points and a super low day where you use less. It keeps your body interested !!
It has obviously worked . Will do it again in this coming week.
Im officially wearing size 16 trousers now....wow....thats a great feeling having started at 22/24....it just makes you feel amazing. Had a lot of NSV aswell. People noticing and commenting on my weight. Makes you feel soooooo good when people notice. So glad I'm over my plateau now....all the walking and water is really paying off. Feeling really motivated......roll on size 14 now...lol x
It has obviously worked . Will do it again in this coming week.
Im officially wearing size 16 trousers now....wow....thats a great feeling having started at 22/24....it just makes you feel amazing. Had a lot of NSV aswell. People noticing and commenting on my weight. Makes you feel soooooo good when people notice. So glad I'm over my plateau now....all the walking and water is really paying off. Feeling really motivated......roll on size 14 now...lol x
Friday 27th February 2009.....
Its Friday 27th February....and.... Yippee!!!! I lost 3 pounds !! So pleased. Really deserved it this week. Worked so hard. So happy. The last few weeks have been loss/gain/loss/gain....so badly need to follow this loss with another one. Going into March at 14st 11 lbs....need to lose 4 lbs to keep up with my target for Mothers Day....
Still doing my mega walks to the next village and back....its nearly killing me and hubby ...but I want to keep in practice for the race for life x
These piccy's were taken in the Middle of February x
Friday February 20th 2009....chicken new yorker..21pts ..aaarrrgghhh
Its Friday 20th February.....and I have GAINED 2 POUNDS !!!! GGGGRRRRRR !!!
Im not a happy bunny. I did have my daughters 18th birthday meal which was lovely. I had a delicious chicken new yorker from the hungry horse.....it wasn't until later I discovered it was a staggering 21 points !!!!!!!!! Went way over points and also over points on Saturday, so yes I deserved to gain. Back to the grindstone. Must try harder....back to 15st... :O(
After my disastrous weigh in this week Im feeling even more determined to do this. Its Sunday 22nd February and I have just signed up to do the race for life in June with Carole from the 5+ board who I have become friendly with. Its on June 7th. I have never done anything like this before, so it is a new adventure. I had better get in training...lol. Its going to be a 5km walk/run...(defo a walk in my case !!) which is about 3 miles. I can do this !! Its a cancer charity and I will get as many sponsors as I can. Have started my training...just got back from walking to the next village and back...about 3 miles...shattered, but feeling good. Also got my TOTM so think that had something to do with my gain...Hopefully a good result next Friday xx
Im not a happy bunny. I did have my daughters 18th birthday meal which was lovely. I had a delicious chicken new yorker from the hungry horse.....it wasn't until later I discovered it was a staggering 21 points !!!!!!!!! Went way over points and also over points on Saturday, so yes I deserved to gain. Back to the grindstone. Must try harder....back to 15st... :O(
After my disastrous weigh in this week Im feeling even more determined to do this. Its Sunday 22nd February and I have just signed up to do the race for life in June with Carole from the 5+ board who I have become friendly with. Its on June 7th. I have never done anything like this before, so it is a new adventure. I had better get in training...lol. Its going to be a 5km walk/run...(defo a walk in my case !!) which is about 3 miles. I can do this !! Its a cancer charity and I will get as many sponsors as I can. Have started my training...just got back from walking to the next village and back...about 3 miles...shattered, but feeling good. Also got my TOTM so think that had something to do with my gain...Hopefully a good result next Friday xx
Friday February 13th 2009...in the 14's !!
Its Friday 13th February......and YIPPEE !!!!!
I lost 3lb !! Im now 14st 12lb.....soooooo happy !!
This has made me feel great. I have just been on the 5+ ww board and have now become a member of the 13st wanderer group !! Really proud to be in that group !!
Really happy....and soooo positive....happy, happy, happy!!
I lost 3lb !! Im now 14st 12lb.....soooooo happy !!
This has made me feel great. I have just been on the 5+ ww board and have now become a member of the 13st wanderer group !! Really proud to be in that group !!
Really happy....and soooo positive....happy, happy, happy!!
Friday 6th February 2009....sore arm... :O(
Its Friday 6th February.....and I have gained a pound !! Ggggrrrr !! Im devastated !! Have been really good all week !! Have been super good with the food but will admit I have not done any walking or exercise this week. I badly hurt my arm and had to go to the doctors and was put on anti-imflammatries (prob spelt wrong lol) !! Fed up now :O(
I so badly want to get into the 14's by valentines day.....not sure if I will get there now.
Just want to share this with you....had an sp this morning. Its Wednesday 11th February...and yay.....14st 13lb !!! Yippee.....although not official until Friday. Will keep my fingers crossed . Been doing loads of exercise now my arm is feeling better...and I think its paying off !!
I so badly want to get into the 14's by valentines day.....not sure if I will get there now.
Just want to share this with you....had an sp this morning. Its Wednesday 11th February...and yay.....14st 13lb !!! Yippee.....although not official until Friday. Will keep my fingers crossed . Been doing loads of exercise now my arm is feeling better...and I think its paying off !!
Friday 30th January 2009.....
Its Friday 30th January 2009.....and I have lost another 2 pounds !! Im on a roll now !! Its my TOTM aswell and it hasn't had any bad effect on my weight. Thank God !!
Im exactly 15st now.....really hope I get into the 14's next week......xx
Im exactly 15st now.....really hope I get into the 14's next week......xx
Friday 23rd January 2009
Its Friday 23rd January......and I have lost another 2.5lbs..!!! Yippeee !! Really pleased with that. Felt good all week. Even had a chinese this weekend when my cousin Jenny came down, and still managed to lose !! You don't have to give up all your luxuries...just point them !!
Still drinking gallons of water. Decided to change my foods about a bit too. The body is a weird thing...too much of the same thing and it gets bored. So have decided to excite it a little and change what I'm eating !!
So pleased with how its going......soooo nearly into the 14's !!
Still drinking gallons of water. Decided to change my foods about a bit too. The body is a weird thing...too much of the same thing and it gets bored. So have decided to excite it a little and change what I'm eating !!
So pleased with how its going......soooo nearly into the 14's !!
Friday 16th January 2009....
Its Friday 16th January.....and I have lost half a pound. Bit disappointed, a loss is a loss. As long as its going in the right direction. I'm now 15st 4.5lb....went over points on two days but ended up saving points by the end of the week.
This picture was taken at the weekend.
Friday 9th January 2009.....
Its Friday 9th January and Ive lost 1lb !! I now weigh 15st 5lbs !!
My BMI (body mass index) has come down from 46 to 39 and I'm really pleased with that. The ideal BMI is 25, so a long way to go but im getting there. Its also my TOTM this week, so especially pleased to have had a loss. This time last year, I weighed 3 and a half stone more ....Im getting there...x
My BMI (body mass index) has come down from 46 to 39 and I'm really pleased with that. The ideal BMI is 25, so a long way to go but im getting there. Its also my TOTM this week, so especially pleased to have had a loss. This time last year, I weighed 3 and a half stone more ....Im getting there...x
Friday 2nd January 2009....happy new year ..
Happy New Year Everyone xx
Its Friday 2nd January....
This year I hope to lose at least another 3 or 4 stone. I have done a page of targets which hopefully I will achieve. I will tick them off as I do them.....
I am starting January at 15st 6lb.....Now that all the festivities are done it should be easier...even though there are boxes of chocolates still lurking around !!!
Still hugely motivated. I am eating within my 22 points and doing lots of walking. Must start swimming again. Haven't had much time lately. Still drinking my 8 glasses of water a day and feeling in control.....
Going to do my blog weekly from now on. It really helps to write things down.....
Its Friday 2nd January....
This year I hope to lose at least another 3 or 4 stone. I have done a page of targets which hopefully I will achieve. I will tick them off as I do them.....
I am starting January at 15st 6lb.....Now that all the festivities are done it should be easier...even though there are boxes of chocolates still lurking around !!!
Still hugely motivated. I am eating within my 22 points and doing lots of walking. Must start swimming again. Haven't had much time lately. Still drinking my 8 glasses of water a day and feeling in control.....
Going to do my blog weekly from now on. It really helps to write things down.....
My targets for 2009.......
Ive decided to set myself some targets for 2009.... Starting January at .... 15st 6lb.......
Valentines Day........into the 14's - Done - 13th February 2009
Mothers Day............14st 7lb - Done - 13th March 2009
Easter 13/4/09........into the 13's - Done - 10th April 2009
June 1st...................13st 7lb - Done - 29th May 2009
August 1st................into the 12's -
November 1st...............into the 11's -
Christmas Day 2009..........11st 7lb -
I will put the date next to them when I achieve them.
If I achieve these losses I will have lost 4 stone this year !!
I'm trying to remember that 1 pound a week is 52lb a year....nearly 4 stone....that is very achieveable ....I think lol !!!
Valentines Day........into the 14's - Done - 13th February 2009
Mothers Day............14st 7lb - Done - 13th March 2009
Easter 13/4/09........into the 13's - Done - 10th April 2009
June 1st...................13st 7lb - Done - 29th May 2009
August 1st................into the 12's -
November 1st...............into the 11's -
Christmas Day 2009..........11st 7lb -
I will put the date next to them when I achieve them.
If I achieve these losses I will have lost 4 stone this year !!
I'm trying to remember that 1 pound a week is 52lb a year....nearly 4 stone....that is very achieveable ....I think lol !!!
December 2008.......40th birthday, stripper and christmas !!!

My wonderful hubby and family...had arranged a surprise 40th birthday party for me !! It was on the 6th December and my birthday the 8th. So many reasons to fall off the wagon, but hey your only 40 once !!!
Not only was it a surprise party, they also arranged a stripper !!! OH MY GOD !! very nice !!!! And I also got to meet cousins that I hadn't seen in about 30 years........everytime I think of it I well up.....so I wont go on !!!
Of course Christmas is on its way also. If I get through December still losing weight....it will be a miracle..!! Have decided to have Christmas Day and Boxing Day off the plan, and then jump straight back to it again. If I have any longer than that, its going to be a real battle....
Mum weighed me on Christmas Eve...and oh my god...I lost 4lbs !! Wow !! So chuffed. Got weighed again on 2nd January and lost another pound...I did it !! I survived my birthday, Ireland and Christmas and Im still losing ...lol !!!
Still got a long way to go but Im getting there.....going to do my blog weekly from the new year. I find writing it down really does help.
I now weigh 15st 7lb on Christmas Day....and I have lost 2 stone 6 pounds since September !!!
These pictures are of my 40th birthday party and Christmas Day 2008.
These pictures are of my 40th birthday party and Christmas Day 2008.
November 2008.....Ireland
November 15th....2 months into it and its going really well !! Still feeling sooooo motivated. By the 24th November I had lost 27lbs !! Had a trip planned for the 27th to Ireland as part of my 40th birthday prezzy....sooooo looking forward to it....but scared of falling off the plan....eeeekkk.
Before I went, I weighed exactly 16st.....when I came back I weighed 16st 3lbs.....got straight back on the wagon immediately !!!!
The pictures were taken in Ireland .
October 2008.........1st month gone !!!
YAY !! First month gone and its going well !!
The first 4 weeks were great.....I lost 13lbs !! Nearly a stone. What a boost. Started walking a lot more and feeling really positive.
By the end of October I weighed 16st 9lbs....a loss of 17 pounds !! Starting to feel better although I know there is still such a long way to go...
I started power walking with a friend and swimming twice a week. Poor dog can't keep up with the power walking so I have to take her on slower strolls...lol..Still feeling hugely motivated....gonna get this weight off again even if it kills me x
September 15th 2008....today I start ww online...
September 15th 2008....today I start ww online....Im 17st 13lbs.... :O(
I joined ww online....didn't have the confidence to go back to ww meetings. Still see myself as a failure. Having lost all that weight and being splashed on the paper, and now putting it all back on and more, just feel really embarrassed. How could I walk back in there again? No I would find that really humiliating, so I have decided to get weighed each week by my mum. She is very strict with me...no getting away with anything there..lol.....she wants me to lose the weight again nearly as much as I do !! When I get down to about 12 stone I may start going to meetings again. Will wait and see how I feel.
The online site I found really interesting. Plenty of good tips and advice and the 5+ board is wonderful. Full of inspirational, fun people all with the same thing in common....weight !!!! Its good to know your not alone in this journey even if you do decide to do it at home....there is always someone on the 5+ board to answer your questions, or if you need that extra bit of encouragement, they are full of praise and support.
I found it quite easy getting back into the swing of things. I started tracking everything I ate, and drinking plenty of water...two of the main things that helped me reach goal last time.
Feeling really positive....Im so glad I have joined ww again . I have never written a blog before, so please bear with me......I will try and keep you interested !!!
These are the pictures that forced me into action !!!

Hate these pictures.... they were taken at my heaviest...October 2007 ...18st 12lbs.. :O(
I had previously done ww back in 2002/2003 and lost 7 stone and I became a gold member. Unfortunately after reaching my ww goal of 9st 11 pounds and being splashed all over the local paper, I stopped going !!! There were a lot of emotional issues I was dealing with, including the death of my father, and needless to say the weight just piled back on plus another 2 stone taking me to 18st 12lb. I had never been this heavy, apart from when I was heavily pregnant, but this time.......it was all me .. :O( So thankfully, September 15th 2008 I found my motivation and desire again.....and this is how I am getting on .......
The beginning of my weight watcher journey.........September 15th 2008

Fat and fed up.......17st 13lbs......
Hi everyone....most of you know me on the 5+ boards as TCS1592008, but I will introduce myself properly.....I'm Tina, age 40, have 3 beautiful daughters, a hubby called Dave, and a little dog called Truffles. I work as a receptionist at an Osteopath practice. I am a gold ww member...determined to get back to goal !!!
I have been overweight from as long as I can remember. Have spent over half my life wanting to be thin. I would lose weight, only to put it all back on again and more !! I was so unhappy.
In January 2008, I weighed in at nearly 19 stone. I set about trying to lose weight on my own and only the odd pound or two would come off. By the end of August, I had only lost a stone, and to be honest it should have been coming off a lot quicker than that at my size. But any dieter will know...unless you get that light bulb moment, where you want to lose the weight sooooooo bad, then it just will not happen......Well my light bulb moment happened.....I joined ww online on September 15th 2008.....and this is how I've been getting on....
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