
Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Oh what a beautiful morning..... oh what a beautiful day.....

Im so excited, that I just can't hide it..... la la la .....

SP this morning.... 12st 8lb....its telling me Ive lost 4 lb !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really ??? Can this be right ???!! 2 more days to weigh in.... oh how I wish it was weigh day today ........

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  1. Hi Tina. Thx for following my blog.... Great blog you have here too, you have made an amazing transformation. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. You're on fire - I'll keep everything crossed for you till WI day!

    Looks like your exercise might be paying off?


  3. fingers crossed ur sp comes true hu!!! i dont know what mine are gonna tell me!!


  4. wow, let's hope it stays that way. that'll be a lovely well deserved loss. see you friday morning xx

  5. 4lb wow! You might even make it to 5lb by the time you weigh in! This makes up for those STS now :o)

  6. OMG that's brilliant, I'll keep everything crossed for WI tomorrow.
    I have an award for you! Check out my blog for details!

  7. Awwww thanks so much everyone. Of course I will let you all know tomorrow...it said it again this morning so its looking like its right....fingers crossed xx
