
Sunday, 26 July 2009

Another night out.. ?!?!?!!!

ANOTHER NIGHT OUT ???.......My God !! I really should whinge more often !! Thats two nights out now on consecutive weekends. :-O ..... its either a case of ... what's he after ? or blooming hek I'll make the most of this !!!!
Yes you heard it right ..... hubby took me out again last night !! His idea !! I was still recovering from last week, but of course I said yes and we went out to our local haunt, well I say local, a friendly little pub we like about 8 or 9 miles away. The one where I got hammered last week and sang on the karaoke...... And for once, I managed to enjoy myself on just .... wait for it .... diet coke !!!! With not even a hint of vodka ?!*?!*..... Why I hear you ask....to be honest I don't really know why, but it was lovely just to come home and remember everything about the night and not to wake up with a blinding headache.. lol !!! Must try it again sometime.
We had a lovely night just chatting to Maggie and Rob the owners, and there were a few others in there, but its a quiet village pub so not rowdy or filled with teenies...god showing my age now.. lol ... so was just a relaxing night. We were home by 11 ish, and my consumption of points for the evening.... a whopping 3.5 for a large packet of crisps !!! And we didn't spend much money so thats a bonus. An enjoyable evening.... I've also been invited by Maggie to go and see an Irish band on the 7th August which I'm really looking forward to. Dave's going to look after the kids, so a lovely night out just for me :O)...... I'm starting to enjoy this getting out .... my life is looking up in every aspect.... x

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  1. hey hun glad u had a good time and remebered your night out lol!! haha maybe i should do some moaning myself!
    i,m off out 1st august for my bessie mates bday!! i hear the pts pilling up already!! i,ll just have to make sure i do plenty of exercise
    enjoy the band hun :)

  2. hey! glad you enjoyed your night out, and sticking to the diet coke must have saved you so many points! xx

  3. Thanks guys :) Yes tis sooooo good to get out. I hate being in every weekend. Just nice to have something to do . Yes I think I saved a good 10 points by not having vodka. Might do that again when I go out :) . Hope you enjoy your night out Kerry x
