
Saturday, 19 September 2009

Please help !!

I would just like to ask all my lovely followers if they would do me a favour . My friend Caley and her partner Robert are trying to win a competition, to win a trip to Thailand to help them with their tourism growth. I think its a great idea.

They have had to make a one minute video clip of themselves . They are trying to get as many people as possible to view the clip, even a few seconds of the clip gets them another vote.
Please would you all view the link as many times as possible.

Thank you guys. The link is as follows :


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


  1. i just watched it :D good luck to them xxx

  2. Tina, you are AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL. Thank you my friend :~) Mwah xxxx

  3. Hi Tina, I have just come across your blog and your photos are amazing. You look like a totally different person. Truly Inspiring! x

  4. Thanks Emily x
    Your welcome Caley x
    Awww thank you so much for that lovely last comment x
