
Thursday, 31 December 2009

Thank you and Happy New Year to you all x x x

As the end of 2009 approaches, I would just like to send you, my followers, a huge THANK YOU for taking the time to read my ramblings from week to week. For commenting and lifting my spirits with your words of praise, encouragement, and kindness throughout the year. This journey would be very lonely without you all, and I do appreciate each and everyone of you. I look forward to spending 2010 reading your blogs and following your journey's and having a laugh or two with you along the way.

So to every single one of you...... HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! x x x x x x x x x

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Tuesday, 29 December 2009


After all those hours of preparation, trudging the streets for prezzies, wrapping them, sending cards, food shops, and the christmas decco's covering the house, and eating until your stuffed, its now all over again for another year ......
Although I had a good day, the vast majority of it was spent in the kitchen (again)!! The day began with my 2 daughters opening a sack full of prezzies each, I dont think they were disappointed by their reactions. Santa had bought some pretty good things this year ;O) . If anything, this is my happiest part of the day. Seeing my girls being happy. To me that means a lot. After they had finished, hubby and I exchanged gifts. 3 of mine I had chosen already, a ww cook book, a new pair of boots (that I had already borrowed on my night out with Karon) but they had been wrapped up afterwards, and a hairdryer. Not overly exciting, but things I either needed or wanted, so that was good. I also got some perfume, and a mug. Hubby was pleased with his wii games, and Delia Smith's cook book... LOL ... he can't stand Delia Smith !! He is an avid Ipswich supporter , and of course Delia is associated with their biggest rivals Norwich City .... but he did see the funny side when he opened the prezzy. My darling daughters had bought us prezzys too. My youngest knows I have a mad passion for Simon Cowell :OP .... and she bought me a gorgeous Simon Cowell calendar !! And my other daughter bought me a lovely big cup with me to you bears on it. Lovely. They really are great kids and I love them to bits.
After all the prezzy giving, I then went to lay a christmas wreath on Dads grave with mum, and came back to do dinner whilst hubby and girls went to the outlaws in Bury to deliver presents. They were gone for 2 and a half hours whilst I was up to my eyes in roast potatoes, and brussels ..... but hey, someones gotta do it !!
Dinner went well, totally went overboard !! My Mum and eldest daughter joined us for dinner also which was good. After an hour or so after dinner, the girls packed their bits to go to their dads for a couple of days which they enjoy doing. Boxing Day I didnt even get out of my Pj's until 3pm. Sat doing a 1000 piece puzzle which I had bought for hubby. It was blooming difficult, you see, the picture on the front, is not the picture on the puzzle. You have to guess what happened next ... we have finished it, but boy was that hard !!
On Sunday I was cooking for the outlaws. From previous posts, you may know that they are not my favourite people, but its Christmas, and I thought I should offer. No-one else offers to have them..... I wonder why ??!!
So that was Christmas really. I worked the 3 days leading up to Christmas Eve, and today Im back to work for the 3 days leading up to New Years Eve, which is a bit of a grind as hubby and the kids have 2 weeks off ..... yes Im starting to feel sorry for myself ... LOL !!
I did have a lovely Christmas, but every year I find it an anti-climax. I suppose I put so much effort in, and get little out.... but hey.... the impressions left in my mind are the girls faces when opening their prezzies .... and my 10 year old on Christmas Eve writing a little note for Santa, and the carrots that are still laying all over the garden which the reindeers couldnt eat ..... thats Christmas ..... and thats what counts... my girls x x x

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Sunday, 20 December 2009

more embarrassing pics from our night out !! x

Oh dear !! Oh dear !! Oh dear !! Lol !! More embarrassing pictures have come to light from my boozy night out with Karon http://twinklestrek.blogspot.com/ !! I had completely forgotten that Karon had taken a camera with us !! A brilliant night out was had ....... when are we doing it again Karon ? Here are just a few.... pmsl .........

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Saturday, 19 December 2009

2 MASSIVE THANK YOU'S ..... :o)))))

As I type this, I am still, ever so slightly, tiddly !!! My head is spinning, I can still taste vodka (not very nice mixed with low fat yogurt :O/ ....) and Im so dehydrated its unreal !!!! But there is a good reason for all of this..... I had an absolutely blinding night out with Karon from http://twinklestrek.blogspot.com !!!!! It truly was the best night out Ive had in a very, very long time. We both got completely hammered !!! We danced, had a giggle, and I can't wait to do it all again one day !!! Karon, you truly are an amazing friend. Im so glad we found each other at that car boot sale. Your a friend for life and I want to thank you for that .... friends like you don't come along every day, and assuming your still alive after last night, I want to wish you an amazing christmas and happy new year x x x

My second thank you goes to Phil from http://phil-theincredibleshrinkingman.blogspot.com/ . This lovely man has given me a blog award which I am extremely proud of. Your words were very kind Phil. Im glad you find my blog inspirational. If it helps anyone in anyway, then Im so pleased. Im honoured and very touched . Thank you hunnie. You yourself have a fantastic blog Phil, and like I said in my comment to you, your strength and commitment to your journey should be commended, and Im honoured to be one of your followers. I would also like to wish you a wonderful christmas and new year Phil x x x

So what else can I say. Im feeling very, very happy today .... x x x

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Friday, 18 December 2009

Absolutely over the moon !! I lost 4 pounds !!!!!!!!! Yes 4 lbs !!! Back to 11 st 12 lbs :O)))) ....
Im thrilled to bits with that. My word my body is sooooooooo weird !! I was even on the ww 5+ board at the beginning of this week whinging that I looked like I was heading for a 1 pound gain to add to the 3 pounds I gained last week due to my birthday..... and here I am having not only lost the 3 lb that I gained last week, but they bought a little friend with them !!! :O))) !!
I have been really good this week, although I still come slightly over points by 4 . Im still trying to make wise decisions, although I have thoroughly enjoyed doing some home cooking this week, which consisted of home made mince pies and little brandy cakes ...... mmmmmmm .... :OP ..... not sure where this urge to cook is coming from, as I am no domestic goddess by far , but hey , I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I may see what else I can conjur up this weekend. Any suggestions or recipes would be greatly received !!
Although I have had a brilliant result today, which Im delighted with, I have found the last few weeks really difficult. There are some delicious foods around this time of year, that other members of the family dive into without a seconds thought, and I either sit there sulking or have to work out whether I have enough points left for, and my 19 points doesn't even go anywhere near what I really want to be eating. Its been a hard month. Im hoping that when January arrives, this feeling will disappear and I will get my drive back to get the rest of this weight off. I think a lot of people are feeling the same right now.......
So on this very happy note , Im off to start the day. Ive woke up at 5 am, not good as Im out drinking with the lovely Karon tonight from http://www.twinklestrek.blogspot.com/. We have never had a night out together before, and should be a giggle !! Im looking forward to it. There may be pictures coming, so be prepared !!! A happy bunny today, just in time for christmas :O)))... Ive not decided yet whether to weigh in next week or not. It will be Christmas day and Im sure by then, the Christmas nibbles will have set in on Christmas Eve big time. Ive decided to have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day off plan, and jump back to it after that. I may not weigh again so that I can enjoy this high Im on now, and think to myself, hey girl .... your in the 11's for Christmas !!!!!! WHOOOPPPPEEEEE !!!!!!

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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Friday, 11 December 2009

Christmas Lights 3D Magical Snowman Reindeer Tangled Lights Rudolph


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Well, I braved the scales ... :O(

Well the inevitable happened. I decided to brave the scales this morning, despite it being my birthday week and having two meals out. This journey is for life, and birthdays are a part of my life, so its only right that I take the good and the bad and keep myself in check .....
I climbed on the scales and I have gained 3 pounds :O( .... back to 12st 2 lbs .... :O(

Ok so the damage is done, but did I have a good birthday? Yes I did. And it was worth every ounce of those 3 pounds and more !! So back on the wagon now, firmly stuck in the driving seat, ready to dive back into the 11's for Christmas...

My only question now is ..... why does it take a month for me to lose 3 pounds , but I can gain 3 pounds in 2 days ??!!! AAaarrrggghhhhh !!!! Out for lunch with Karon today :O)) .... healthy of course x x x

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Thursday, 10 December 2009

3D Santa 3D Rudolph

Can't believe its Christmas Eve in two weeks..... aaarrrggghhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x

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Birthday week ..........

Well I have now reached the grand old age of 41 !! It was my birthday on Tuesday, and I had a lovely day. The first birthday meal was on Monday night with hubby, my 3 girls, and my mum. We ate at The Manger at Bradfield Combust. I found it really hard to choose what to have,as there was a lovely choice. I was torn between chicken kiev or mixed grill. I opted for the Chicken Kiev, as I hadnt had this for such a long time. I could almost taste the garlic butter....dribble dribble, but they came back to the table and said they only had one kiev left, so I let my eldest daughter have it... :O(( ....... I then decided to have the mixed grill .... Oh My !!! It was huge !! I enjoyed every single mouthful , and really struggled to eat it all. Eventually I managed to eat it, and couldnt move for a while... lol.... I dread to think how many points were in that !!! About 90 Im sure !! After half an hour everyone decided to choose dessert..... to be honest, I didnt really need one, but I thought as it was my birthday I would indulge..........I indulged in the most delicious, absolutely scrummy, devine chocolate mouse, with cream inside, covered with melted chocolate snickers bar on top.... I cant remember what the full name of it was, but called something lumpy bumpy and it most certainly made me feel lumpy and bumpy........Ive never tasted anything so nice ... EVER !!! It was heaven on a plate :OP ......
On Tuesday, I opened my prezzies and cards. I got money, PJ's , A bottle of Ouzo , Dressing gown , and a cd. We then dropped the kids into school and went out for the whole day. We started at Marlows, and had a leisurely browse around the christmas goodies, then we went bowling , then went out for lunch... a delicious steak pie and vegetables, then went to the arc shopping centre, then to matalan, then to our local pub for a couple of hours before returning home at 8pm... it was a busy, but lovely day. Not having to worry about getting back or rushing to work was just so nice. Wish I could do things like that more often :O))))....
So all in all, a lovely couple of days. I havent dare step on the scales all week.... my body has been churning and gurgling since my massive mixed grill on Monday. Its just not used to that volume of food anymore, or that type of food !! So not sure wether to weigh in tomorrow or not .... I will wait and see..... yes I know, Im a chicken...lol...
Off to darts tonight...looking forward to playing for the team again. I really enjoy those nights out.
Hope you are all ok. Been trying to catch up with a few blogs in between birthdays and christmas shopping lol....what a busy time of year x

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Saturday, 5 December 2009

In the 11's... OFFICIALLY this time !! :O)))

Lol .... after my premature celebration 2 weeks ago of dipping into the 11's on the Saturday, and then following with an official weigh in last Friday back to 12st ....... Im happy to say that my official weigh in yesterday was 11st 13 lbs !!! YAY !! 1lb lost !! And Im halfway through my monthlys, so really pleased with that....and in the 11's just in time for my birthday next Tuesday.....woooohhoooooo .......... however, having said that, this week is going to be tricky. I have 2 meals planned for my birthday, one with all my girls and my mum, and the other just with hubby on Tuesday, so the chances of me still being in the 11's next week (excuse the pun ....) are pretty slim !!! LOL ..!!
But Im not going to worry. Next Friday is just another weigh day in my entire life. Of course it would be great to still be in the 11's , but you have to live, and I only get one birthday a year, so I intend to enjoy BIG TIME !!
I now have a week off work to enjoy too..... happy days :O)) x

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Friday, 27 November 2009

So near, yet so far..........

Another Friday has come round yet again.... these weeks are just flying by. Its weigh in day today, and after my rather premature celebration last weekend of dipping into the 11's on Saturday for just a brief while... (obviously purely down to dehydration from my vodka intake Friday night) Im afraid to say that Im back up to 12st ... :O( .... Having said that, I have still lost 1 pound since my last official weigh in last Friday. So in that respect, I should be happy...well sort of...still want to be in the blooming 11's though...but hey...maybe next week ......if I chop my leg off perhaps :O/ ....

Im beginning to wonder if I will every get in and stay in the 11's now. My body is just not letting it happen. Maybe I have reached the stage where my body wants to be. I would dearly love to be 11 stone, but maybe I should just start thinking how far I have come. Ive lost 96 pounds in total, which Im sooooooo happy with. I feel better. I look better. So why am I itching to lose another stone? Im not even going to attempt to get back to weight watchers goal weight, I would have to be 9st 11 pounds for my height, and the last time I got there, I looked so thin, and Im now 7 years older than I was then, so dont really think it would do me any favours to look like that now. So yes 11 stone I would like to be, and I will keep plugging away, but there is a little voice in my head saying to me that I dont look too bad, so as long as I dont gain anymore weight, then maybe I shouldnt be so hard on myself. Thats the theory anyway, just have to put it into practice now, and see what happens.

Its been a busy old week. Done an extra days work this week as overtime, and Im doing the same next week. The extra money will certainly come in handy for christmas and the pending move in the new year. My house is now officially up for sale and we have our very first viewers coming to look at it tomorrow afternoon at 2pm....eeeeeeeekkk. It sounds quietly promising. Even before any pictures were put on the estate agents internet, these people, that already live in the same town, saw that it was soon to become available, and they wanted to view it! Hopefully that is a good sign. They already know the town, the area, the street in which I live, and want a bigger property.....so all in all, looking positive. I will keep you posted. I had the sad news this week that the little bungalow I was after has been sold :O( ............. however, I dont let the grass grow under my feet, and have two other properties to look at tomorrow. One at 10 am , and the other at 11 am.... its a good job they are not too far apart...only about 10 minutes maximum, so should be able to do both. So looking forward to it and quite excited about the prospect of it all happening. So watch this space.

Finally before I leave you all, I met up with the lovely Karon again for lunch today at prezzos. Another really scrummy dinner we had....far too much of it though !!! . She is such a lovely person. The little darling bought me a whole range of weight watcher products for me to try, and some lovely low fat sausages that look scrummy...cant wait to try them all. Thank you hunnie, your an angel. Looking forward to our night out ;O) ....

So thats it for now folks. Hope your all doing ok. I have seen a few down beat blogs lately. Hope your all feeling a bit better or happier now. I also want to wish Sarah from http://thinfor30.blogspot.com a speedy recovery in hospital . Take care everyone. Bye for now x x x

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Sunday, 22 November 2009

Its been a lovely weekend .....

It has been a lovely weekend. Went out with hubby on Friday night and had a few vodka's :) .....and then on Saturday found out I had reached my 7 stone off (although this may be due to dehydration from Friday night !! :O/) ...also put christmas deco's up on Saturday , and today have been to see my lovely cousin Jenny, her hubby Stu and their son James...... a lovely weekend :O) x x x

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Saturday, 21 November 2009

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At Last !!!! :O))))))))))))))) ...in the 11's x

Wooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooo !!!
AT LAST !!!! In the 11's ....... I Said the 11's !!!!!!!!!! In fact...not just in the 11's.... Im 11st 12 lb !!!!!
I cant believe it !!! After struggling for weeks, the scales have finally dipped into the 11's .... YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to tell you all ....... Have now lost exactly 7 stone aswell..... so happy x
Happy, happy ..... it better bloody stay like that til next Friday at weigh in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hubby took this piccy ....... :O)))))))))))))) x x x

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Friday, 20 November 2009

Two steps forward and one step back ..... :O(

Thats how I feel today. Weight has gone up by a pound YET AGAIN !!! Back to 12st 1 lb ....gggggrrrrrrrrrrr...... when will I ever get into those bloody 11's ???

Getting really fed up with this yo-yoing. I gain, I lose, I gain..... its a viscious circle. Its so annoying especially on the weeks where you really know you have stuck to plan 100% like this week.

To make me even more fed up, I have just looked back on my weigh in results and found that I actually got into the 12 stones on July 17th ..... 4 months later Im still in them .... :O(

I have also realised I have missed my next target to get into the 11's by the 1st November..... 3 weeks overdue and still not there.... ho hum ..... :O( ....... will now set that target back to December 8th (my birthday). This gives me another 2 and a half weeks to get there. So badly want to get into the 11's, its a head thing really, phsycologically it will make me feel fantastic....

So for now, back to the grindstone ....... watch this space .... x

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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Ok so I'm halfway through my week with ww. Ive been very good. Pointed everything. Drank loads of water. Even did a very long walk on Sunday which is the first in many weeks..... so why oh why are the scales showing a 2lb gain ...?? It did this to me last week....then luckily, come weigh day, it sorted itself....and I lost a pound.
Yes I know I shouldn't SP, but I can't help it. It somehow keeps me on the straight and narrow. But I must admit, on weeks like this, when I know Ive been 100% with everything, it does feel like a kick in the teeth for the scales to be going in the wrong direction..... I can only hope, that again this week, they sort themselves out for weigh day ...all I need is half a pound and I will be in the 11's .................

On a much lighter note..... I have eventually decided to put the house up for sale..... my little bungalow may become a reality after all ... :O_).....so watch this space x x x

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Sunday, 15 November 2009


I swear if my husband moans at me one more time this weekend, I will kill him !!!!!

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Saturday, 14 November 2009

Up at 3.45am on a Saturday morning.... WTF ?

Why is it, whenever I have a bad nights sleep, its always on the blooming weekend when I should be having a lay in !! How annoying is that !! Woke up for a pee at 3.45 this morning and could I get back to sleep? Could I f*ck !! So here I am in my little virtual world of blogland.... where I love to be with my thoughts that I only share with you guys.

There is a lot going round in my head at the moment. Im on the verge of placing my house up for sale.... Ive lived in it for 19 years, reared my 3 beautiful daughters in it, but yet, I feel its time to move on.... so why is it the idea makes me tearful, excited, worried, happy.... :O/ ..........??? Ive been wanting to move for a while now....Oh what to do ! You see, Ive fallen in love with a bungalow, about 10 minutes away from here, and yes we can afford it. There are 3 other couples interested in it aswell, so its now a race to sell all our properties and place a decent offer. Do I, don't I, Do I, don't I ..........

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Friday, 13 November 2009

Another pound bites the dust !

Well the title says it all, but how did that happen !! All week the dreaded SP's were saying that I had gained a pound, so being ultra careful had a really light tea last night, jumped on the scales this morning and woooooo hoooooo a pound lost !! YAY !! Bang on 12st now............. hopefully dipping my toes in the 11's next week.

I had been really good and in control all week. My time occupied by cleaning the house from top to bottom, instead of lurking in the kitchen. I have a valuer coming to value my house in about half an hours time. Fingers crossed he says what I want him to say :>) ........... the good thing is the house is sparkling and I must have certainly earnt a few BP's all week.... and further more the girls bedrooms look like bedrooms now instead of the local dumping ground !!!!!!! YAY !! So if all else fails, at least I have a clean house.

Work is taking a turn for the better. My boss had a word with me , and wants me to take over the marketing side of the company. He has also said that he wants to start training me up to take over as Practice Manager when Patricia retires in a couple of years..... eeeeeeeekkkkkk...... promotion !! Just hope it doesn't put other peoples noses out of place that have been there a lot longer than me !! Looking forward to taking on extra responsibility.... so watch this space.

All in all, a successful week. Just need a good valuation on the house, and I will be a happy bunny. I have my lovely niece Joanne coming round tonight to go through some old piccys. She is sorting out a personalised calendar for mum for christmas...... it will be nice to catch up with her x
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Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Weekly weigh in results....

I decided to start losing weight in January 2008 when I weighed 18st 12lb.
Only the odd pound or two came off and I had lost 13 pounds by the beginning of September . I knew it should
have been coming off quicker than that So I joined ww on September 15th 2008
weighing 17st 13lb......

The figures in blue are what I have lost since Sept 08, the figures in green are the overall amount including the 13lb I lost since January 08 ........

START WW September 15th 2008 - 17st 13lbs BMI 46 !!
WK 1 September 22nd 2008 - 17st 7lbs - 6 = -6lbs
WK 2 September 29th 2008 - 17st 4lbs -3 = -9lbs
WK 3 October 6th 2008 - 17st 3lbs -1 = -10lbs
WK4October13th2008-17st0lb-=-3=-13lbs(5%gone) WK5October20th2008-16st12lbs-2=-15lbs (1st 13lb)
WK 6 October 27th 2008 - 16st 9lbs -3 = -18lbs
WK 7 November 3rd 2008 - 16st 5lbs -4 = -22lbs
WK 8 November 10th 2008 - 16st 5lbs -0 = -22lbs
WK 9 November 17th 2008 - 16st 3lbs -2 = -24lbs
WK 10 November 24th 2008 - 16st 0lbs -3 = -27lbs (10% gone)
WK 11 December 1st 2008 - 16st 3lbs +3 = -24lbs (IRELAND)
WK 12 December 5th 2008 - 15st 13lbs -4 = -28lbs (2 stone gone) (2st 13lbs)
WK 13 December 12th 2008 - 15st 12lbs -1 = -29lbs
WK 14 December 19th 2008 - 15st 11lbs -1 = -30lbs
WK 15 December 24th 2008 - 15st 7lbs -4 = -34lbs
WK 16 January 2nd 2009 - 15st 6lbs -1 = -35lbs
WK 17 January 9th 2009 - 15st 5lbs -1 = -36lbs
WK 18 January 16th 2009 - 15st 4.5lbs -.5 = -36.5lbs
WK 19 January 23rd 2009 - 15st 2lbs -2.5 = -39lbs
WK 20 January 30th 2009 - 15st 0lbs -2 = -41lbs
WK 21 February 6th 2009 - 15st 1lb +1 = -40lbs
WK 22 February 13th 2009 - 14st 12lbs -3 = -43lbs ( 3st 13lbs)
WK 23 February 20th 2009 - 15st 0lb +2 = -41lbs
WK 24 February 27th 2009 - 14st 11lb -3 = -44lbs
WK 25 March 6th 2009 - 14st 9lb -2 = -46lbs
WK 26 March 13th 2009 - 14st 7lb -2 = -48lbs
WK 27 March 20th 2009 - 14st 6lb -1 = -49lbs
WK 28 March 27th 2009 - 14st 4.5lb -1.5 = -50.5lbs
WK 29 April 3rd 2009 - 14st 1lb - 3.5 =-54lbs BMI 36 (20%)
WK 30 April 10th 2009 - 13st 13lb -2 = -56lbs 4 stone ( 4st 13lbs)
WK 31 April 17th 2009 - 14st 0lb +1 = -55lbs
WK 32 April 24th 2009 - 13st 12lb -2 = -57lbs
WK 33 May 1st 2009 - 13st 10lb -2 = -59lbs
WK 34 May 8th 2009 - 13st 11lb +1 = -58lbs
WK 35 May 15th 2009 - 13st 9lb -2 = -60lbs
WK 36 May 22nd 2009 - 13st 9lb STS = -60lbs
WK 37 May 29th 2009 - 13st 6lb -3 = -63lbs
WK 38 June 5th 2009 - 13st 8lb +2 = -61lbs
WK 39 June 12th 2009 - 13st 5lb -3 = -64lbs
WK 40 June 19th 2009 - 13st 3lb -2 = -66lbs
WK 41 June 26th 2009 - 13st 4lb +1 = -65lbs
WK 42 July 3rd 2009 - 13st 2lb -2 = -67lbs
WK 43 July 10th 2009 - 13st 0lb -2 = -69lbs

WK 44 July 17th 2009 - 12st 13lb -1 = - 70lbs 5 STONE !! (5st 13lb)
WK 45 July 24th 2009 - 12st 13lb STS = -70lbs
WK 46 July 31st 2009 - 12st 13lb STS = -70lbs BMI 33
WK 47 August 7th 2009 - 12st 12lb -1 = - 71 lbs
WK 48 August 14th 2009 - 12st 8 lb -4 = - 75 lbs 75 lbs !! ( 88 lbs)
WK 49 August 21st 2009 - 12st 9 lb +1 = -74 lbs
WK 50 August 28th 2009 - 12st 7 lb - 2 = -76 lbs
WK 51 September 4th 2009 - 12st 7lb STS = -76lbs
WK52 September 11th 2009 - 12st 5lb -2 = - 78 lbs
WK 53 September 18th 2009 -12st 7lb +2 = -76 lbs ( 89 lbs)
WK 54 September 25th 2009 - 12st 6lb -1 = -77 lbs
WK 55 October 2nd 2009 - 12st 5 lb - 1 = -78 lbs (91 lbs)
WK 56 October 9th 2009 - 12st 4lb - 1 = -79 lbs
WK 57 October 16th 2009 - 12st 5lb + 1 = - 78 lbs
WK 58 October 23rd 2009 - 12st 4lb -1 = -79 lbs
WK 59 October 30th 2009 - 12st 4lb STS = -79lbs
WK 60 November 6th 2009 - 12st 1lb -3 = -82lbs... (95lbs)
WK 61 November 13th 2009 - 12st 0lb -1 = -83lbs..
WK 62 November 20th 2009 - 12st 1lb +1 = -82lbs
WK 63 November 27th 2009 - 12st 0lb -1 = -83lbs
WK 64 December 4th 2009 - 11st 13 lb -1 = - 84lbs (97lbs)
WK 65 December 11th 2009 - 12st 2 lb +3 = -81lbs (94lbs)

Friday, 6 November 2009


I lost a whopping 3 lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!! Im now 12st 1 lb ....... :O)))

Over the blooming moon :O))))))...... *does a little dance around the living room, runs up the stairs and jumps from the top......OUCH! * ..... ;O))

Yippeee - de - do - dah !!!! Can you tell Im happy ?!!!

I was invited to my daughters school for dinner yesterday. Knowing it was weigh day this morning, I was nervous about it, but went anyway. I had a roast chicken dinner, and for afters.... chocolate crunch and custard... how could I refuse ?? So I had that and still managed to lose my staggering 3lbs !!! AND Ive got my TOTM aswell !!! Wow to say Im pleased is putting it mildly x x x x
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