Hi guys !!
Firstly can I apologise for neglecting my blog. I seriously have not had time to sit down and write anything. Ive had a quick look through all of yours, which I loooooove reading, but thats all Ive had time for . So , considering I cant sleep (which is really weird as I had a really long day yesterday ... out of the house at 8.15 , first job til 12 , then nipped back to let the dog out , then 2nd job..finished there at 7.30 pm and straight on to darts :O/ ....and back home for 11 pm) ..... I then get into bed, bad case of cramp wakes me up at 3.13 am , 2 hours later I still cant sleep so Ive come downstairs to have a nice cup of tea and catch up with you guys. Its now 5.20 am. Luckily Im only working 8.30 til 12.00 today and then going to the hairdressers to be pampered, so a reasonably nice relaxing day ahead... yippeeeee !! Now that Im working full time, Im really beginning to understand the meaning of *roll on Friday* , although I am loving every minute :O) .
On the weight side of things, Im happy to announce a 2lb loss !!!! YAY !!! Really pleased with that. Im now 12st 3lb . Feel more in control again now. Im eating healthier, apart from the dessert from last Saturday which I will fill you in on in a moment. My mind feels in a much better place right now, able to cope with the temptations that are still lurking.... would you believe we still have a few roses chocolates and yummy choccy selction of biscuits in the cupboard from Christmas !!! Since Ive been doing both jobs, the desire to eat the naughties seems to have disappeared which is great ! Long may it continue !!
As to the yummy dessert from last Saturday , you may re-call from my last post that a few of us ww'ers who have met via the ww 5+ board and facebook arranged to meet up at Lakeside Shopping Centre in Thurrock, and what a lovely day that was. I drove over to Karons and we left from there about 9.30. Karon drove us down to Thurrock, and we browsed around a few shops before meeting for lunch with the others at 1pm. We met at a restaurant called Old Orleans , which was lovely. The others had arrived first. We met Carole Cerro (Frenchie 73 from the ww boards) and Rebecca Louise Tape Kenne (RKenne from the ww boards). Rebecca bought her sister Kate along and Carole bought a friend along who's name has escaped me....eeeeeekkkk....sorry, I do apologise !! We had a lovely meal, and of course lots of chatter about weight and food and advice, tips, and ideas. To start I had some garlic bread, then for mains I had roast chicken with jacket potato , and the scrummy dessert I was hinting at was called chocolate blonde brownie... of course being a blonde, I had to try it, and oooooooohhhhh .... how nice was that :OP ...... DELICIOUS !! I savoured every mouthful !! After the meal, we said our goodbyes, but we do hope to do it again in the summer if anyone is interested. Karon and I continued our shopping trip until 7pm , then Karon drove home. We were chatting so much, we missed our turning off of the M25, which was quite funny. Its a good job Karon was driving as I would of had no idea how to get home !! It was a long day, but an enjoyable one. Looking forward to next time !!!.
The picture above is of our day with our fellow ww'er friends.
Take care for now guys. Im glad Ive had chance to catch up with you all. Ive also received two lovely blog awards. One from Phil and one from Linz, which Im very proud of. Thank you to both of you. Im sorry I have not got enough to pass them on at the moment. But I certainly will when I get the chance. Thank you again.
Stay safe, warm and happy..... and keep that weight coming off guys !! Catch up with ya again soon x x x