
Sunday, 18 July 2010

Its finally over .......

After all these months of uncertainty, hubby has now finally left. He left yesterday. There have been tears, lots of tears, from both him and me. Although I dont hate him, or dislike him, I know I couldn't have carried on another month, let alone another 25 years with him. It would of been easier if I hated him. Instead of the tears there would have been anger, but no. I truly wish him happiness in the future. Its going to be a struggle financially for me, but I'm prepared for that. I dont know how I feel emotionally. Its odd not having him here, its strange not having someone to chat too like now for example when the kids are out. Its strange to have the bed to myself, its strange not to hear him moaning ...... there is a kind of peace in the air, a feeling of freedom......a fresh new life is just beginning for me....one of independence, and thats what I want x

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  1. The hardest part is over now Tina. It will be odd adjusting, but as you rightly put it- a fresh new life is starting for you, think of all the possibilities!

    I wish you lots of luck and happiness. Good things are coming your way.

    Stay strong.


  2. Ive just read through some of your recent posts and just wanted to send me love to you. You are obviously a very strong and from your pictures, a very beautiful woman and have had such courage to make such hard life changing decicions. I wish you the best of luck with everything and will start back rading through your blog. your weight loss is astounding and you look a million dollars.

  3. The worst bit over now Tina, it can only get better from here on in. Just think of all the exciting things ahead of you. Love n hugs xx

  4. The only way is up now - you have made the hardest decision and it will be difficult to adjust at first, but you have completely done the right thing. You have a fresh new life to look forward to.

    Wishing you lots of happiness x

  5. Now is YOUR time! Sure it will be tough, but before you know, you will carve out a new "normal". I wish you well during this transition, and always remember. When one door closes, another opens, so be listening if opportunity knocks!! :D

  6. As Linz said, it's all up from here.

    Hugs to you. You're strong. You'll get through and make yourself a better life with a happier Tina.
