
Sunday, 28 February 2010

good week ....

Hi guys.....

I'm pleased to report a good week on the ww side of things. I lost 2 pounds which Im pleased with. I was saintly during the week food-wise, until Friday night when I went to a chinese buffet restaurant ..the all you can eat type... with the lovely Karon and another ww lady that I have met throught the ww 5+ boards ...Jan Heather...!! It was the first time that I had met up with Jan. I am really enjoying meeting all these lovely people, putting a face to the name is good fun !! Needless to say we ate plenty :O)... and then went to a couple of pubs afterwards. After Jan had gone, Karon's lovely OH and his cousin drove us back to mine and we were drinking coffee until 2.15 am !!!! It was a good night though, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Its good to relax after a heavy week of work !!!

Although I still have a long way to go until I will be happy with my weight, I have decided to try and not get too stressed about it. As long as I dont go any higher than 12st 7 lb, then I can live with that. Of course I am trying to lose more weight, but my body has hovered around these last few pounds for so long now, and I feel that this is obviously a natural weight for me. I am wearing size 12 trousers from matalan which Im over the moon with, so I really should stop beating myself up when I have a gain. As long as I keep things in check each week by weighing in, and being good 75% of the time, then I should be happy with that.

Looking forward to next Saturday. Karon and I are paying the balance off on our holiday!!! Yippeeeeee.... that really will feel real then .... cant wait.....

Oh well, thats all for now folks.... its Sunday night, a new week and a new month begins tomorrow ..... hope you all have a great week, and once again, thank you for the words of support that I receive from you . It means a lot. Your all very special people x x x x

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Sunday, 21 February 2010

holds head in shame............

Sorry guys, not much success to report here at the moment. A massive gain when weighed this Friday. 5 pounds on. What can I say? Total CR*P !! Thats how I feel right now............ hangs head in shame....
This journey is bloody hard sometimes. I want to eat the things that I love. I dont want to miss out on special occasions and go without while everybody else tucks in, I dont want to do this anymore, but I dont want to go back to weighing 7 stone more again ............

Sorry guys, just feeling pretty low right now. Lots of things are happening in my life that I dont have much control over, and the only thing I can control... Im letting slip away.....and im getting fatter by the minute.........
Hope to come back with a new lease of life next week. Please bear with me x x x

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Tuesday, 16 February 2010

short and sweet ............

Another flying visit to blog-land !!

Life is flying past me by in a flash right now...just wish someone would put the brakes on !!

Ive had a hectic week (yet again) and am sad to report a 1 pound gain at the scales last Friday. I was gutted and surprised and didn't think I deserved it. However, I am now heading towards a totally disastrous gain this week ... I have eaten everything in sight and I really dont know why. I had fish and chips on Friday ... a party on Saturday with far too much drink and food, huge dinner on Sunday plus a fried egg sandwich..etc, etc, etc,.... Is it the cold? possibly. Is it pre-menstrual ? probably.... is it just lack of willpower? ..TOTALLY !!!!!!!! No excuses now, Ive been a pig and thats final. Already quaking in my boots for Fridays weigh in and wondering whether I should bother. Im supposed to be going for a belated anniversary/valentines meal tomorrow night which will not help at all, and to be honest Im not sure that I want to go............ I already feel like an elephant... :O(

What would you guys do ?......... go for the meal and weigh in and face the music ?....... or boycott both which seems to be rather appealing right now !! Im losing the plot and I dont like it :O( .................

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Sunday, 7 February 2010

Good ww week ..... and massive NSV !!

Hi Guys !! Long time no blog .... :O( .... sorry guys, it really is hectic at the moment trying to fit everything in, but Ive decided that Sunday is catch up day from now on. Ive been reading through your lovely blogs which I really enjoy doing. Some of you are really funny and I love the way you tell your adventures with humour !! Its great reading, and Im setting aside a couple of hours purely for blogland on Sunday's from now on to help keep me focused, cheer me up, and to remember that I am not alone in this journey........
Had a fab week on the scales this week. I lost 3 lbs !!! Absolutely thrilled to bits with that. Back to being exactly 12st again now. So close , yet again, to dipping into the 11's. I think the loss is due to a mixture of events. I have been saintly food wise...pass me the halo polish me thinks :O) .... and another factor is rushing here, there and everywhere to do my two jobs. It is a bit draining, but I will see how I get on in the coming weeks. Im enjoying being busy, but when I get in I just fall asleep, and I really don't want to be doing that. I would like to spend a bit of time with my girls, and Im not getting much chance to do that. So lets see what the next few weeks feels like and I will assess it again then.
Major NSV for me this week guys....... I fitted into my daughters size 12 bikini !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes , I said size 12 :O) ..... Ive been wearing a couple of pairs of size 12 trousers for a while, but somehow it just didn't register to me until yesterday, that I may get into that bikini !!! Was having a bit of a try on session to see what fits and what doesnt and believe me that was such a fab feeling getting that on !! Ok , so lets be entirely honest, I didnt look brill in it , .... but I did get it on and that to me is an achievement.... and I can always cover up the nasty bits with a sarong when I go away with the lovely Karon or just be really brave and have the *oh sod it* attitude and just dont give a monkey's about what people think ....yes thats what I will do... !!!
Had a lovely lunch out at Weatherspoons with Karon again yesterday. Stayed within points with breaded plaice and chips and peas which was lovely. It was good to catch up again, and had a good natter. Helped me to chill out a bit after a few nasty arguments with him indoors ............. enough said I think !!!
Anyway guys, its good to catch up with you all again. Have a brill week, and I will be back again next Sunday ... unless I manage to grab a quick sneaky 5 mins from somewhere ..... !!

TTFN my friends x x x

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